Editions SOIS
Lecture d'auras et soins esséniens ; thérapies d'hier et d'aujourd'hui
Anne Givaudan
- Editions SOIS
- 6 Mai 2020
- 9782916621708
Avec la collaboration du Dr. Antoine Achram.
Cet ouvrage vous permettra de comprendre que la maladie ne naît pas "par hasard", qu'il est possible d'en comprendre le processus et par là même, de stopper son avance, de l'enrayer et de la transformer en nous transformant. La vie nous apportera toujours les expériences et les moyens de grandir. La maladie fait partie de ces moyens. Que vous sachiez lire les auras ou non, que vous soyez ou non thérapeute, ce livre vous aidera ou vous permettra d'aider et de comprendre ce corps qui parle à travers les maux qui l'habitent. Nul n'est maître de la vie et de la mort mais, même si l'on ne peut reconstruire une maison à la place du propriétaire, il est toujours possible d'y apporter les briques et autres matériaux. Des exercices et des soins précis vous aideront à retrouver votre autonomie et à savoir que "le hasard" n'est que l'invention de quelques-uns qui aiment asseoir leur puissance sur la dépendance de chacun. -
After looking into the world of the afterlife for a long time, Anne Givaudan and Daniel Meurois were able to focus their attention on what might be called the world of "pre-birth".
Using their familiar method of projecting consciousness, for the nine months which make up a pregnancy, they followed the path of Rebecca, a soul preparing to take on a body of flesh.
Day after day, week after week, they faithfully recorded how the being to be incarnated went through many metamorphoses.
Like a documentary article, their testimony retraces the various psychic and physical changes which everyone undergoes in the womb and the worlds which lead to it.
This is a new way of looking at foetal life and the process of reincarnation.
Written in a simple, direct style, the originality and amount of information the book offers make it a work that does not just speak to those who are to give birth to a child, or have already done so, but also all those for whom life is an everlasting source of wonder. -
Wenn eine Person, die wir kennen, sich das Leben nimmt, fühlen wir uns hilflos dem Schmerz über diesen Verlust ausgeliefert. Hinzu kommt, dass wir uns Vorwürfe machen:
"Ich hätte sollen.....ich hätte knnen......"
Anne Givaudan, die seit über zwanzig Jahren spezialisiert ist auf dem Gebiet der feinstofflichen Welten und der Ebenen jenseits des Lebens, lässt uns hier einen ungewohnten Blick auf diesen Moment werfen, wo "der Vertrag mit dem Leben gebrochen wird."
Ihre Begegnungen mit Wesen, die aus freien Stücken ihren Lebensweg abgebrochen haben, erlauben uns eine wertungsfreie Sicht auf diesen weitgehend ignorierten Aspekt des Lebens.
Ein sensibles Thema, das sehr behutsam behandelt wird.
Eine unkonventionelle Sichtweise eines Tabuthemas, in erlebten Erfahrungen, in Begegnungen, die frei sind von Bewertung oder Schuldzuweisung und zahlreiche Fragen beantworten. -
Outside of our dimensions of space and time, there are beings that live intensely. Their world is exciting yet peaceful, and may provide a model for the future of the Earth.
Anne Givaudan, known for her out of body experiences and explorations of other worlds gives us in this book a rare look at what life is like on other inhabited worlds.
This book takes us on her extraordinary journey to the inhabited planet of Venus and the hidden face of the moon, where she learns firsthand about other galactic civilizations.
Through a pleasant, surprising and unusual read, we will realize there are other ways to approach Life and Love. Reading this amazing book will open a new world of possibilities. -
This condensed booklet featuring practical exercises communicated to Anne Givaudan and Daniel Meurois by Masters of Wisdom has been long-awaited.
It constitutes a genuine method of purification, pacification and recognition of the best in oneself.
Easy-to-handle and accessible to all, the book provides a remarkable opportunity to open up and let go, a first step in healing soul and body. -
In this work, Anne GIVAUDAN invites us to contact the men and women who have the painful sensation that their soul is not aligned with their body.
Without any judgment, any a priori or any classification, she pushes back the limits of the known worlds to allow us to dive into an unknown world.
What is hiding behind these faces with often tragic or guilt-generating situations?
That is what we will discover behind the life stories of these beings who underwent extreme circumstances.
This is not about indicting or glorifying anyone, or anything, but simply about uncovering a different and less-known facet of LIFE. -
Seit langer Zeit erforschten Anne Givaudan und Daniel Meurois die Welten des Jenseits, als sie die Mglichkeit erhielten, sich mit der Welt «vor der Geburt» zu befassen.
Mit Hilfe der ihnen vertrauten Methode der Bewußtseinsübertragung begleiteten sie Rebecca, eine Seele, die dabei war, eine irdische Hülle anzunehmen, während der neun Monate der Schwangerschaft auf ihrem Geburtsweg.
Tag für Tag und Woche für Woche beschrieben sie im Detail die vielen, verschiedenen Metarmorphosen, die der Mensch bei seiner Inkarnation durchläuft.
Ihre Erkenntnisse gleichen einer Reportage, die von unterschiedlichen psychischen und physischen Verwandlungen berichtet, die jeder von uns im Bauch der Mutter und in den pränatalen Welten erfährt.
Damit bieten die Autoren einen neuen Blickwinkel auf das Leben des Foetus und auf den Reinkarnationsprozeß.
In einer verständlichen und klaren Sprache geschrieben, spricht dieses orginelle und informationsreiche Buch sowohl diejenigen an, die ein Kind auf die Welt bringen werden oder schon gebracht haben, wie auch diejenigen,für die das Leben eine fortwährende Quelle des Wunderbaren darstellt. -
Where are the Sprites today? The Sylphs, Undines, Gnomes, Elves and Devas?
Were they just figments of poets' imagination? Have they fallen into oblivion in our materialistic world which has no place for what is subtle?
Our world has gone through its process of densification, but shortly we shall be resurfacing in a more luminous universe, which is why small and not-so-small beings of nature are becoming increasingly visible. We need to cooperate with them if we are to make a better world where all realms will work together.
Specialist in journeys to subtle worlds, Anne Givaudan takes us on a surprising voyage to the heart of a reality which we are only just beginning to rediscover - the world of beings of Nature.
The messages they confide and which concern us all are helping reshape our planet and give new vision to those who inhabit it.
This book is illustrated by numerous drawings and photos of these beings from an increasingly tangible and visible world that is opening up before our eyes. -
Forever in pursuit of happiness, while having the unpleasant feeling of never catching up with it, is part of the sensation of ill-being with which many of us today are familiar. The action of the Thought-Forms we carry around with us constantly aggravates this state of being and everything which happens to us in our lives.
Unknown to most of us, Thought-Forms affect our health, shape our happiness and, of course, our unhappiness. They can suffocate us or drive us forward, but becoming aware of and understanding them is vital on our road to liberation. By perceiving and knowing them, we can consciously build up Thought-Forms that help us and transform those which hold us back. The first volume deals with how we can understand and recognize our Thought-Forms in order to begin this process of "transmutation". -
There is such a thing as a life like a book!
Gina is the living proof, but it's not an easy story.
"That deep and unpleasant feeling of being worthless persisted whatever I did... I didn't yet understand that nothing outside and no one could bring me on a platter what I refused to believe myself."
Gina was born that way, with a gift that was to lead her into turbulent waters, where love and hate went side by side, whether in the Vatican's secret services, in Afghanistan or New York.
She rubs shoulders with the most powerful, most perverse and sometimes the most exalted of human beings.
A life story, a Love story and, amazingly, a true one! -
Auric reading and essenian healing
Anne Givaudan, Dr Antoine Achram
- Editions SOIS
- 7 Mai 2020
- 9782916621722
With the participation of Antoine Achram MD
This work will open the awareness that illness does not happen "by chance" and that it is possible to see and enter this process, and by this way to stop illness's progression, and finally transform it, by changing ourselves. Life will always provide us with experiences and ways to grow. Illness is one of these ways.
Whether you know how to read auras or not, whether you are a healer or not, this book will help you to help others, and to understand the body which expresses itself through it's pain.
No one can master death and life, but even if we cannot rebuild a house it is always possible to repair it by bringing some bricks and other building materials.
Specific practices and precise healing techniques will help you to find your autonomy, and to know that "chance" is only the invention of those people who like to promote powerlessness and dependancy. -
Many sources regularly refer to a Master of wisdom who was reincarnated in the Middle East towards the beginning of the sixties.
Some go as far as saying it was Jesus in person.
Answering a call, Anne Givaudan and Daniel Meurois undertook a journey to Syria. There, they were immediately contacted by a Being of Light in whom they recognized both an impressive force and gentleness which left them in no doubt...
Their story begins in the heart of Damascus, but this quickly goes backstage when the spotlight is focused on the teaching they receive. Testimony of an amazing experience, the book is like a guide for each one of us to shake off the ego's tenacious hold and construct the firmer foundations of a new consciousness.
Of burning topicality, simply written without indulgence, "By the Spirit of the Sun" addresses all those who, as seekers of Peace and Truth, no longer want to "spend their time" but act. -
Was ist aus den Wichteln geworden? Den Sylphen, den Undinen, den Gnomen, den Elfen und den Devas? Waren sie lediglich eine Erfindung der Märchenschreiber? Sind sie in Vergessenheit geraten in unserer materialistischen Welt, wo das Feinstoffliche keinen Platz hat?
Unsere Welt musste durch die Erfahrung der verdichteten Materie gehen, aber nun sind wir dabei, aufwärtszugehen in Richtung einer lichtvolleren Welt. Deshalb zeigen sich immer mehr kleine und große Naturwesen, und wir wären gut beraten, mit ihnen zusammenzuarbeiten für eine bessere Welt, in der alle Reiche miteinander in Eintracht leben werden.
Anne Givaudan, die spezialisiert ist auf dem Gebiet der feinstofflichen Reisen, nimmt uns mit auf eine erstaunliche Entdeckungsreise mitten in eine Realität hinein, die sich uns erst heute erschließt: die der Naturwesen.
Die Botschaften, die diese ihr anvertrauen und die jeden von uns berühren, weisen auf eine unumgängliche Erneuerung des Planeten und seiner Bewohner hin.
Das Buch enthält viele Zeichnungen und Fotos dieser Wesen, deren Welt für unsere menschlichen Augen immer greifbarer und sichtbarer wird. -
Forever in pursuit of happiness, while having the unpleasant feeling of never catching up with it, is part of the sensation of ill-being with which many of us today are familiar. The action of the Thought-Forms we carry around with us constantly aggravates this state of being and everything which happens to us in our lives.
Unknown to most of us, Thought-Forms affect our health, shape our happiness and, of course, our unhappiness. They can suffocate us or drive us forward, but becoming aware of and understanding them is vital on our road to liberation. By perceiving and knowing them, we can consciously build up Thought-Forms that help us and transform those which hold us back. The first volume deals with how we can understand and recognize our Thought-Forms in order to begin this process of "transmutation". -
Anne Givaudan, par cet ouvrage, nous amène à contacter ces hommes et ces femmes qui ont la douloureuse sensation que leur âme n'est pas en accord avec leur corps.
En dehors de tout jugement, de tout a priori et de toute classification, elle repousse les limites du connu pour nous faire plonger dans un monde inconnu.
Que se cache-t-il derrière ces visages aux situations souvent tragiques ou culpabilisantes ?
C'est ce que nous découvrirons derrière chacune des histoires de vie de ces êtres au parcours extrême.
Il n'est pas question ici de condamner ou de glorifier qui que ce soit, ni quoi que ce soit, mais simplement de découvrir une autre facette méconnue de LA VIE.