- FeniXX réédition numérique (Éditions Ferenczi) (7)
- Springer (7)
- Wiley-VCH (4)
- Editions L'Harmattan (3)
- Wiley (3)
- Wiley-Blackwell (3)
- Birkhäuser (2)
- Fleuve éditions (réédition numérique FeniXX) (2)
- Springer Gabler (2)
- 24/30 I/S (1)
- Albin Michel (réédition numérique FeniXX) (1)
- FeniXX réédition numérique (Economica) (1)
- FeniXX réédition numérique (J. Ferenczi et fils) (1)
- FeniXX réédition numérique (J.-B. Baillière et Fils) (1)
- FeniXX réédition numérique (Soleil noir) (1)
- FeniXX réédition numérique (Verso) (1)
- FeniXX réédition numérique (Éditions J. Ferenczi et fils) (1)
- FeniXX réédition numérique (Éditions Laboureur et Cie) (1)
- Palgrave Macmillan (1)
- Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften (1)
- Vieweg+Teubner Verlag (1)
Interactions verbales et acquisition du langage
Josie Bernicot, Edy Venezario, Michel Musiol, Alain Bert-erboul
- Editions L'Harmattan
- Figures de l'interaction
- 9 Octobre 2015
- 9782296261419
Malgré un ensemble de recherches très fécond depuis les années 1970, l'explication de l'acquisition du langage par l'enfant garde une part de mystère. La recherche centrée sur l'ancrage social du langage conduit à étudier la production et la compréhension du langage en contexte social et communicatif, ainsi que le lien entre les interactions et l'acquisition du langage. L'ouvrage présente les concepts théoriques qui permettent d'étudier l'acquisition et le fonctionnement du langage dans son contexte d'utilisation.
Langue, culture et valeurs : Vers une ethnolinguistique appliquée et applicable 1. Fondements et illustrations de l'ethnolinguistique appliquée
Bert Peeters
- Editions L'Harmattan
- 21 Novembre 2024
- 9782336499253
Cet ouvrage posthume est la synthèse des travaux de Bert Peeters, spécialiste de la Métalangue Sémantique Naturelle (MSN) en langue française. Créée pour répondre au problème de l'ethnocentrisme dans l'analyse des concepts, des expressions idiomatiques, des métaphores figées et surtout des valeurs culturelles, cette approche sémantique est basée sur la réduction du lexique à soixante-cinq sémantiques primitifs, considérés comme des concepts irréductibles et universaux, qui permettent, en les combinant, d'effectuer des descriptions sémantiques « neutres » traduisibles dans n'importe quelle langue, sans biais culturel. Avec cet ouvrage, Bert Peeters présente pour la première fois de façon complète les principes de la MSN aux lecteurs et aux locuteurs francophones.
Langue, culture et valeurs : Vers une ethnolinguistique appliquée et applicable 2. Illustrations ethnoaxiologiques
Bert Peeters
- Editions L'Harmattan
- 21 Novembre 2024
- 9782336499284
Cet ouvrage posthume est la synthèse des travaux de Bert Peeters, spécialiste de la Métalangue Sémantique Naturelle (MSN) en langue française. Créée pour répondre au problème de l'ethnocentrisme dans l'analyse des concepts, des expressions idiomatiques, des métaphores figées et surtout des valeurs culturelles, cette approche sémantique est basée sur la réduction du lexique à soixante-cinq sémantiques primitifs, considérés comme des concepts irréductibles et universaux, qui permettent, en les combinant, d'effectuer des descriptions sémantiques « neutres » traduisibles dans n'importe quelle langue, sans biais culturel. Avec cet ouvrage, Bert Peeters présente pour la première fois de façon complète les principes de la MSN aux lecteurs et aux locuteurs francophones.
Identity and Participation in Culturally Diverse Societies
Bernd Simon, Assaad E. Azzi, Xenia Chryssochoou, Bert Klandermans
- Wiley-Blackwell
- 15 Juillet 2011
- 9781444328165
Identity and Participation in Culturally Diverse Societies presents an original discussion in an edited volume of how the links between identity, political participation, radicalization, and integration can provide a scientific understanding of the complex issue of coexistence between groups in culturally diverse societies. Offers a scientific understanding of the complex issue of coexistence between groups in culturally diverse societies Utilizes original theory which combines social psychology, sociology, and political science Includes an original and extensive discussion of combining the concepts of identity and diversity Innovatively and engagingly employs the latest research and state-of-the-art theory
24 images. No. 178, Juillet-Septembre 2016
Alexandre Fontaine Rousseau, Andre Roy, Charles Guilbert, Jonathan Plante, Natascha Niederstrass, Gilles Mihalcean, Bert
- 24/30 I/S
- 24 images
- 16 Août 2016
- 9782924348215
Pour son numéro d'été, 24 images va à la rencontre de l'art contemporain. Dans son éditorial, le rédacteur en chef Bruno Dequen plaide pour « un cinéma ouvert au monde, nourri de multiples formes d'expressions artistiques qui se le réapproprient tour à tour ». Intitulée « Le cinéma en partage », la publication donne la parole à de nombreux artistes : photographes, concepteurs d'installations, sculpteurs et performeurs. Charles Guilbert, Geneviève Cadieux, Raymonde April ou encore Martha Towsend prennent la plume pour expliciter les liens entre le cinéma, les autres arts et leurs pratiques personnelles. Outre ce grand dossier, le numéro propose également un article de fond sur l'oeuvre du controversé danois Nicolas Winding Refn ainsi que des entretiens avec le réalisateur indépendant américain Whit Stillman à propos de son oeuvre et de son plus récent opus Love & Friendship et avec le vidéaste Mathieu Jacques, membre du duo son-image Organ Mood.
Gloire ou amour
Jean Bert
- FeniXX réédition numérique (Éditions Ferenczi)
- Le petit roman
- 10 Novembre 2017
- 9782402517744
Cet ouvrage est une réédition numérique d'un livre paru au XXe siècle, désormais indisponible dans son format d'origine.
Mirage d'amour
Jean Bert
- FeniXX réédition numérique (Éditions Ferenczi)
- Le roman d'amour illustré
- 10 Novembre 2017
- 9782402517751
Cet ouvrage est une réédition numérique d'un livre paru au XXe siècle, désormais indisponible dans son format d'origine.
D'une seule caresse...
Claude-Andree Bert
- FeniXX réédition numérique (Éditions Laboureur et Cie)
- 10 Novembre 2017
- 9782402517713
Cet ouvrage est une réédition numérique d'un livre paru au XXe siècle, désormais indisponible dans son format d'origine.
The last three decades have witnessed enormous progress in the care of patients with congenital heart disease. Treatment of congenital heart disease is highly dependent on technology and much of the progress we have witnessed is attrib utable to technological advances we take almost for granted today. It would be difficult to overestimate the impact of these advances; noteworthy examples include the development of 2-D Doppler echocardiography resulting in increased diagnostic accuracy, improvements in preoperative management including the use of prostaglandins for maintaining ductal patency, better intraoperative support such as the development of cardiopulmonary bypass circuits specifically designed for neonates and infants and improvements in postoperative care too numerous to delineate. As the spectrum of congenital heart disease we can treat successfully has broadened and the results have improved much of the focus has shifted, properly, to long-term issues such as neurodevelopmental outcome and quality of life. Despite the current focus on long-term outcomes we must not forget that surgery is central to our treatment strategy. The word technology is derived from the Greek word "techne" meaning craft and before any late out comes can be measured the "craft" of surgery must be performed with excellence. Dr. Litwin's career has spanned these last three decades and he has witnessed and participated in the evolution of congenital heart surgery. The second edition of a "Color Atlas of Congenital Heart Surgery" is an outstanding contribution to the field by a master of the craft of congenital heart surgery.
Une heure de folie
Paul Bert
- FeniXX réédition numérique (Éditions J. Ferenczi et fils)
- Le roman d'amour illustré
- 10 Novembre 2017
- 9782402517782
Cet ouvrage est une réédition numérique d'un livre paru au XXe siècle, désormais indisponible dans son format d'origine.
Computational Methods for Algebraic Spline Surfaces
Bert Juttler, Tor Dokken
- Springer
- 24 Mai 2006
- 9783540271574
This volume contains revised papers that were presented at the international workshop entitled Computational Methods for Algebraic Spline Surfaces ("COMPASS"), which was held from September 29 to October 3, 2003, at Schloß Weinberg, Kefermarkt (A- tria). The workshop was mainly devoted to approximate algebraic geometry and its - plications. The organizers wanted to emphasize the novel idea of approximate implici- zation, that has strengthened the existing link between CAD / CAGD (Computer Aided Geometric Design) and classical algebraic geometry. The existing methods for exact implicitization (i. e. , for conversion from the parametric to an implicit representation of a curve or surface) require exact arithmetic and are too slow and too expensive for industrial use. Thus the duality of an implicit representation and a parametric repres- tation is only used for low degree algebraic surfaces such as planes, spheres, cylinders, cones and toroidal surfaces. On the other hand, this duality is a very useful tool for - veloping ef?cient algorithms. Approximate implicitization makes this duality available for general curves and surfaces. The traditional exact implicitization of parametric surfaces produce global rep- sentations, which are exact everywhere. The surface patches used in CAD, however, are always de?ned within a small box only; they are obtained for a bounded parameter domain (typically a rectangle, or - in the case of "trimmed" surface patches - a subset of a rectangle). Consequently, a globally exact representation is not really needed in practice.
This volume is devoted to the Persistent Scatterer Technique, the latest development in radar interferometric data processing. It is the only book on Permanent Scatterer (PS) technique of radar interferometry, and it details a newly developed stochastic model and estimator algorithm to cope with possible problems for the application of the PS technique. The STUN (spatio-temporal unwrapping network) algorithm, developed to cope with these issues in a robust way, is presented and applied to two test sites.
Equity and Quality Dimensions in Educational Effectiveness
Leonidas Kyriakides, Bert Creemers, Evi Charalambous
- Springer
- 3 Janvier 2018
- 9783319720661
This book aims to make a contribution to the theory, research and practice on quality and equity in education by providing a comprehensive overview of these two dimensions of educational effectiveness and proposing a methodological instrument that may be used to measure the contribution that each school can make to promoting equity. The importance of using this instrument is demonstrated by analysing results of various effectiveness studies conducted over the last decade. The book draws upon research across the world, especially research conducted in the Europe, the United States, and Australasia. It is shown that promoting equity has no negative effect on the promotion of quality. The importance of using this methodological instrument to identify factors that promote both quality and equity at different educational levels (i.e. teacher, school and educational system) is stressed. The book also demonstrates how we can measure stability and changes in the effectiveness status of schools over time in terms of fostering quality and equity. In addition it underlines the importance of identifying factors measuring changes in the effectiveness status of schools in terms of equity and points to the alternative strategies that can be used at school and system level. In our attempt to encourage the further development and use of this methodology for school improvement purposes, we demonstrate how experimental studies can be conducted to discover whether and under which conditions the proposed methodology can help schools promote both quality and equity. Finally, implications for school evaluation, research, educational policy and practice are drawn. In this way, the book contributes significantly to the debate on how quality and equity can be achieved and encourages policy-makers and practitioners not to view these two dimensions of effectiveness as being in competition with each other but as constituting the major objectives of any reform policy and/or improvement effortat school and/or national levels.
New Trends in the Theory of Hyperbolic Equations
Bert-Wolfgang Schulze, Michael Reissig
- Birkhäuser
- 21 Mars 2006
- 9783764373863
Wave Maps and Ill-posedness of their Cauchy Problem.- On the Global Behavior of Classical Solutions to Coupled Systems of Semilinear Wave Equations.- Decay and Global Existence for Nonlinear Wave Equations with Localized Dissipations in General Exterior Domains.- Global Existence in the Cauchy Problem for Nonlinear Wave Equations with Variable Speed of Propagation.- On the Nonlinear Cauchy Problem.- Sharp Energy Estimates for a Class of Weakly Hyperbolic Operators.
Nanoscience and Nanotechnology for Human Health
Marcel Van De Voorde, Bert Muller
- Wiley-VCH
- 28 Novembre 2016
- 9783527692040
Unique in combining the expertise of practitioners from university hospitals and that of academic researchers, this timely monograph presents selected topics catering specifically to the needs and interests of natural scientists and engineers as well as physicians who are concerned with developing nanotechnology-based treatments to improve human health. To this end, the book cover the materials aspects of nanomedicine, such as the hierarchical structure of biological materials, the imaging of hard and soft tissues and, in particular, concrete examples of nanotechnology-based approaches in modern medical treatments. The whole is rounded off by a discussion of the opportunities and risks of using nanotechnology and nanomaterials in medicine, backed by case studies taken from real life.
Molecular Biological and Immunological Techniques and Applications for Food Chemists
Bert Popping, Carmen Diaz-Amigo, Katrin Hoenicke
- Wiley
- 16 Mars 2010
- 9780470524978
A guide to using molecular biology and immunological methods for the analysis of food Many of the analytical problems that food chemists face in the lab cannot be solved by chemistry alone, and so analytical chemists are turning to molecular biology and immunology for alternative approaches. Molecular Biological and Immunological Techniques and Applications for Food Chemists comprehensively explains the most important molecular biology and immunology methods, and illustrates their application in food analysis. Written by a distinguished group of experts, the coverage includes: Molecular Biological Methods-techniques explained, laboratory layout, PCR, real-time PCR, RFLP, SSCP, and sequencing Molecular Biology Applications-meat, genetically modified organisms (GMOs), food allergens, offal, and fish Immunological Methods-techniques explained and antibody-based detection methods Immunology Applications-animal speciation, international food allergen regulations (except Japanese), Japanese regulations and buckwheat allergen detection, egg allergen detection, soy allergen detection, milk allergen detection, gluten allergen detection, nut allergen detection, fish allergen detection, lupin allergen detection, mustard allergen detection, and celery allergen detection Clearly written and consistently edited to provide information to a wide range of readers, Molecular Biological and Immunological Techniques and Applications for Food Chemists offers an up-to-date reference for food scientists in government and industry, policymakers, and graduate-level students of food science, technology, and engineering.
Protein Kinases as Drug Targets
Gerhard Muller, Bert Klebl, Michael Hamacher
- Wiley-VCH
- 25 Mai 2011
- 9783527633487
This timely guide to kinase inhibitor drug development is the first to cover the entire drug pipeline, from target identification to compound development and clinical application. Edited by the pioneers in the field, on the drug development side this ready reference discusses classical medicinal chemistry approaches as well as current chemical genomics strategies. On the clinical side, both current and future therapeutic application areas for kinase inhibitor drugs are addressed, with a strong focus on oncology drugs.
Backed by recent clinical experience with first-generation drugs in the battle against various forms of cancer, this is crucial reading for medicinal, pharmaceutical and biochemists, molecular biologists, and oncologists, as well as those working in the pharmaceutical industry. -
Molecular Ecology of Rhizosphere Microorganisms
David N. Dowling, Bert Boesten
- Wiley-Blackwell
- 26 Septembre 2008
- 9783527615803
This book helps evaluate the state of the art of rhizosphere microbial ecology and biotechnology. Experts in the field review methods and strategies applied to the detection, identification and monitoring of microorganisms in the rhizosphere. Major topics treated include:
- construction of genetically marked rhizosphere bacteria - detection of marked wildtype and genetically modified organisms (GMOs)
- identification of wildtype and GMOs by DNA probes and PCR amplification
- rapid typing of non-modified and GMOs by PCR-based techniques - assessment of the role of gene transfer
- EU regulations for the use and release of GMOs
- biosafety results from field testing of GMOs
In addition, technologies for the modifying gene expression and gene products for specific traits of agronomic interest in genetically engineered rhizosphere bacteria are covered. -
Measuring Operational and Reputational Risk
Aldo Soprano, Bert Crielaard, Fabio Piacenza, Daniele Ruspantini
- Wiley
- 3 Décembre 2010
- 9780470742112
How to apply operational risk theory to real-life banking data
Modelling Operational and Reputational Risks shows practitioners the best models to use in a given situation, according to the type of risk an organization is facing. Based on extensive applied research on operational risk models using real bank datasets, it offers a wide range of various testing models and fitting techniques for financial practitioners. With this book, professionals will have a foundation for measuring and predicting these important intangibles.
Aldo Soprano (Madrid, Spain) is Group Head of operational risk management at UniCredit Group. -
Reflecting the R&D efforts in the field that have resulted in a plethora of novel applications over the past decade, this handbook gives a comprehensive overview of the tangible benefits of nanotechnology in catalysis. By bridging fundamental research and industrial development, it provides a unique perspective on this scientifically and economically important field.
While the first three parts are devoted to preparation and characterization of nanocatalysts, the final three provide in-depth insights into their applications in the fine chemicals industry, the energy industry, and for environmental protection, with expert authors reporting on real-life applications that are on the brink of commercialization.
Timely reading for catalytic chemists, materials scientists, chemists in industry, and process engineers. -
Wiggs's Veterinary Dentistry
Heidi B. Lobprise, Johnathon R. (Bert) Dodd
- Wiley-Blackwell
- 11 Décembre 2018
- 9781118816165
Wiggs's Veterinary Dentistry: Principles and Practice, Second Edition is a fully updated and expanded new edition of the classic comprehensive reference for veterinary dentistry. Provides current, comprehensive information on veterinary dentistry Encompasses rudimentary tenets of the field as well as advanced techniques Presents the state-of-the-art in veterinary dentistry, with all topics fully updated, revised, and expanded to reflect current knowledge Written by leading veterinary dental specialists and edited by luminaries in the field Includes more images and color throughout to support the text "The second edition of Wiggs's Veterinary Dentistry: Principles and Practice is an updated and comprehensive guide to all things related to the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of the oral cavity in canine and feline patients....Overall, this book will be a good resource for any small animal practice or practitioner who performs veterinary dentistry." - JAVMA Vol 255 No. 6
L'Affaire des vins de Bordeaux avait elle aussi son « cerveau » : Pierre Bert. Propriétaire, après son père et son grand-père, de la plus grosse maison de vins de la région, celui-ci a été amené, pour tenir ses engagements, à se lancer dans une entreprise aussi aventureuse qu'étonnante. Et c'est lui-même qui, dans ce livre souvent féroce et plein d'humour, nous en révèle tous les aspects. Pour la première fois, un négociant en vins bordelais décrit de l'intérieur ce monde implacable, désuet et impénétrable que sont les « Chartrons ». Il en dépeint les rites étranges, la psychologie et les mécanismes. Mais en même temps il dénonce leur façon plutôt singulière de concevoir et d'effectuer leurs opérations commerciales... Car, si dans ce témoignage Pierre Bert plaide coupable, il n'en affirme pas moins : « des coupables comme moi, il y en a des milliers ! ». C'est donc d'un véritable scandale qu'il s'agit, et In vino veritas en dévoile tous les ressorts, toutes les péripéties, toutes les conséquences, et même toutes les implications politiques. Le livre de Pierre Bert, en effet, n'est pas seulement la première étude économique et sociologique sérieuse qui soit consacrée aux problèmes du Vin. C'est un « roman vécu », qui met en scène des personnages hauts en couleur, c'est un document explosif dont la franchise presque provocante, la truculence, le panache, nous rappellent la glorieuse ascendance de l'auteur : d'Artagnan et Guy Chabot de Jarnac ! Duelliste passionné - ne serait-ce que dans le prétoire -, cet aventurier des temps modernes ne ménage ici ni sa plume, ni ses adversaires.
Omnidirectional Inductive Powering for Biomedical Implants
Bert Lenaerts, Robert Puers
- Springer
- 14 Octobre 2008
- 9781402090752
Omnidirectional Inductive Powering for Biomedical Implants investigates the feasibility of inductive powering for capsule endoscopy and freely moving systems in general. The main challenge is the random position and orientation of the power receiving system with respect to the emitting magnetic field. Where classic inductive powering assumes a predictable or fixed alignment of the respective coils, the remote system is now free to adopt just any orientation while still maintaining full power capabilities. Before elaborating on different approaches towards omnidirectional powering, the design and optimisation of a general inductive power link is discussed in all its aspects. Special attention is paid to the interaction of the inductive power link with the patient's body. Putting theory into practice, the implementation of an inductive power link for a capsule endoscope is included in a separate chapter.
Ecological and Genetic Implications of Aquaculture Activities
Theresa M. Bert
- Springer
- 30 Août 2007
- 9781402061486
Aquaculture is a rapidly growing industry and aquaculture practices can directly interact with and depend upon the surrounding environment. Therefore, the effects of all types of aquaculture on living natural resources and ecosystems are of significant and increasing national and international interest. In "Ecological and Genetic Implications of Aquaculture Activities", numerous nationally and internationally prominent aquaculture researchers contribute 27 chapters that comprise overviews of aquaculture effects on the environment, discussions of genetic considerations, thorough documentation of aquaculture effects and their solutions specific to countries, and approaches toward environmentally sustainable aquaculture. Together, these chapters comprise a comprehensive synthesis of many ecological and genetic problems implicated in the practice of aquaculture and of many proven, attempted, or postulated solutions to those problems. Many chapters can serve as benchmark documentations of specific aquaculture effects on biodiversity at different levels.